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Viewing and receiving purchase orders
Viewing and receiving purchase orders
Written by Sara Jaffer
Updated over a week ago

Once you save a purchase order, the page reloads into view/receive mode. You can come back to view/receive mode by clicking the order reference in the PO list.

The information available in view mode is very similar to that in edit mode. View mode contains the same three sections:

  • A header

  • A Settings panel, containing details about the order

  • The line items being ordered

Note that the data in the header and settings panel can only be updated in edit mode.

Additionally, the header displays a summary of how many of the ordered units have been received, in the format [Received quantity]/[Ordered quantity].

The biggest difference is in the table containing the line items.

Line items

In view mode, the items being ordered are presented in a table with the following columns:




Image of the variant, taken from Shopify.


The item name and SKU.


The ordered quantity.


The number of units received against the order.

Received history

Displays the received date, quantity and sync status of each received batch.


The number of units still waiting to be received.

To receive

A field that allows you to choose how many units to receive. This column is only available if the order is in an “Open” or “Partially received” status.

Unit price

The vendor cost price for the variant.

Discount %

Any discount applied to the row, automatically set to the vendor’s default discount %.


The total price for all ordered units of the item.

Receiving inventory

If a purchase order is “Open” or “Partially received”, amending the ‘to receive’ quantity and saving your changes will bring that inventory into stock. The “Received history” column displays every batch you’ve received along with its received date and sync status.

Inventory is synced to Shopify by clicking the “Increase inventory in Shopify” button at the bottom of the page.

If a batch hasn’t been synced and the order is in the "Open" or "Partially received" status, you can undo the receipt by deleting the batch in the “Received history” column. You will then need to save your changes.

Actions in view/receive mode

When in view/receive mode, you can perform certain actions depending on the order status. The actions may affect the order status, let you export or email the order, or view other data related to the order.

The actions available are:


Required status




Draft, Open

Switch to edit mode to adjust the purchase order.



Complete, Canceled

Moves the status back to “Open” or “Partially received”, allowing you to edit the order further.




Updates a draft to the “Open” status. Inventory on “Open” orders is included when counting inventory on order.




Opens the purchase order email screen


Move to draft


Updates an “Open” order to the “Draft” status.

Actions menu


Draft, Open

Updates an order to the “Canceled” status

Actions menu


Partially received

Updates an order to the “Complete” status

Actions menu



Archives the purchase order once the user confirms.

Actions menu

Export PDF


Exports the purchase order line items to a PDF file.

Actions menu

Export CSV


Exports the purchase order line items to a CSV file.

Actions menu



Displays the purchase order history.

Actions menu



Displays all emails sent via the purchase order.

Actions menu

Purchase order history

The purchase order (PO) history page lists all actions which have occurred on a purchase order, from its first creation to emails sent, items being received and status changes.

It lists the time the event took place, the user who initiated the event, and details of the event.

The kinds of events include:

  • Order creation, with the number of units ordered

  • Emails sent, with the “To” and “From” addresses

  • Inventory received, listing the line and number of units received

  • Status changes, listing the status changed to and status changed from

Email history

The email history page lists all emails which were sent from a purchase order. Learn more about sending emails here.

It lists the time the email was sent, which user sent it, the email recipient and the time the email was delivered.

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